Global gas markets after Ukraine
With Europe facing a long-term shortage of natural gas, and Russia looking east for new customers, how will changing global gas markets affect production of key syngas-based chemicals?
With Europe facing a long-term shortage of natural gas, and Russia looking east for new customers, how will changing global gas markets affect production of key syngas-based chemicals?
The past year has been a difficult, even disastrous one for Europe’s fertilizer producers. High natural gas prices have kept plants shuttered, with 70% of the continent’s ammonia production shut down at times. It remains uncertain how much of this will return to production this year, or indeed ever.
Ammonia prices registered another week of losses at the start of January, with supply options continuing to outweigh demand in most regions. Prices have been falling steadily for the past twelve weeks, as the market rebalances after production curtailments across Europe for much of 2022. Steady falls in gas pricing over the past few weeks have put production costs firmly below today’s import price, with European production now scheduled to ramp up at many plants this month.
Due to the inherent nature of the renewable power, sizing eSyngas plants powered with renewable energy brings complexity normally not faced by natural gas-based facilities. In this article, Dr Raimon Marin and Dr Solomos Georgiou of AFRY discuss the application of AFRY’s state-of-the-art modelling tool to optimise the size and production of a green hydrogen system and a green ammonia plant based on given renewable power profiles and their associated variability (e.g., hourly, daily, seasonally, and annually).
Stamicarbon has won a contract for a large-scale urea project in China. The urea plant, with a production capacity of 3,800 t/d, will be the largest ever licensed by Stamicarbon in the country. The customer, the plant’s location and the value of the contract have not been disclosed.
This UreaKnowHow.com round table discusses the process upset condition of a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle. It is commonly known that the urea formation reaction from ammonia and carbon dioxide via ammonium carbamate is an equilibrium reaction and that the urea conversion in any urea plant is limited. That is why downstream of the urea synthesis section the urea is separated from the ammonium carbamate in a recirculation section. Ammonium carbamate is dissociated into ammonia and carbon dioxide gases by means of low pressure and the addition of heat. The ammonia and carbon dioxide gases are dissolved in water and recycled back to the urea synthesis section. The urea content should be minimal as urea in the ammonium carbamate recycle leads to lower efficiencies. What are the causes and remedies for a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle? n
The market is anticipated to correct lower throughout the rest of the first quarter. Once a clearer picture over seasonal fertilizer demand in Europe emerges, this could stabilise downward momentum.
Advanced Methanol Amsterdam (AMA) is a production facility, that will be realised in the Port of Amsterdam's Biopark, which is destined to produce advanced methanol that meets the European renewable energy directive (RED) requirements. Once completed, AMA will be the flagship production site for GIDynamics and GIDARA Energy and for its High Temperature Winkler (HTW ® ) gasification technology. AMA will also be the first of its kind green methanol unit designed by Casale.
Market Insight courtesy of Argus Media
The capabilities of OGT’s ProTreat ® simulator were recently enhanced by the addition of gas treating with hybrid solvents. The functionality was developed generically to make it as broadly applicable as possible. In this article, Ralph H. Weiland of Optimized Gas Treating investigates the effect of TEG as a contaminant on the performance of DEA, MDEA, and piperazine-promoted MDEA in a gas treating application.