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Tag: Production

Methods to mitigate metal dusting in syngas production

Industrial plants using synthesis gas at elevated temperatures risk metal dusting attack on the equipment, which are typically made of steels or Ni-based alloys. Parameters which impact the metal dusting risk are discussed and factors affecting the material selection and processing are described. One important focus is surface preparation, showing that grinding (40 grit) improves the metal dusting resistance compared to glass bead blasting and brushing. The surface treatment outweighs the impact of welds or the manufacturing route.

Is sulphur nutrient supply meeting crop demand?

Sulphur plays an important role in crop nutrition. Indeed, sulphur is increasingly being recognised as the fourth major crop nutrient alongside N, P and K. However, a combination of intensive agricultural practices, increasing application of high-analysis fertilizers and tighter air quality regulations has led to increasing sulphur deficiency in soils. In this insight article, CRU’s Peter Harrisson looks at what’s driving sulphur deficiency and whether there’s a gap in the market for sulphur fertilizers.