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Meeting oil and gas pipeline quality specifications

A new fully automated process has been developed that combines real time H2 S readings from an H2 S analyser and Q2 Technologies’ proprietary scavenger chemistry to treat high H2 S crude oil on demand. The process provides an efficient and effective way to administer the chemical product to avoid overtreating or undertreating. In some cases, the end user is seeing greater than 50% savings. It is a unique confluence of technology including IoT, advanced chemistry, and oil and gas personnel incentivised to demonstrate continuous improvement.

Plant Manager+

This case study refers to the carbamate condensers and separators in the urea recirculation and hydrolyser desorber section of a urea plant, operating under normal operation at 0.3 MPa and 75°C. After 48,000 hours of operation, during the turnaround of the urea plant, the diaphragm type instruments were sent to the original equipment manufacturer for inspection and refurbishment. In addition to damage of the diaphragm, crevice corrosion was found in the gasket area (see picture) posing a health and safety risk .