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Digital solutions bringing better performance

By harnessing the power of real-time data and exploiting the opportunities provided by digital solutions plant owners can achieve greater plant efficiency and reliability. In this article Stamicarbon shows the benefits of the Stami Digital Plant Optimiser for urea plants, OnPoint Digital Solutions provides a case study on optimising primary reformer heater operations using Smart Combustion™ , TOYO provides an update on its digital transformation service DX-PLANT® and thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions provides examples of how digital solutions can be used to improve plant operation.

New concepts for ammonia plant revamps

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions discusses a revamping concept to reduce CO2 emissions by replacing some of the hydrogen in the front end of the ammonia plant with green hydrogen, KBR and Casale report on revamp options to increase the capacity of vintage ammonia plants in the former Soviet Union, Johnson Matthey presents a novel integrated ammonia flowsheet for the production of ammonia, methanol, urea and UFC and Arvos | Schmidtsche Schack discusses the benefits of a new process gas boiler.

Preventing explosions in molten sulphur tanks

Undegassed molten sulphur can contain several hundred ppmw H2 S. If the headspace in the storage tank is stagnant, the H2 S can accumulate in the vapour space above undegassed liquid sulphur to dangerous levels. Sweeping and blanketing systems are commonly applied to manage the explosion risk in the headspace of molten sulphur storage tanks. D. J. Sachde , C. M. Beitler , K. E. McIntush , and K. S. Fisher of Trimeric Corporation review these approaches, outlining the benefits and limitations, design considerations, and industry experience/guidance for each approach. Calculation methods for natural draft flow of sweep air are also presented.