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Cobalt-molybdenum catalyst activation in low temperature TGUs

Cobalt-molybdenum (CoMo) catalysts are integral components of tail gas units (TGUs), playing a vital role in reducing harmful sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) emissions arising from Claus sulphur recovery units. Effective activation of these catalysts is essential for their optimal performance. The consequence of sulphiding at low temperatures and atmospheric pressure in low temperature TGUs is to compromise effectiveness of catalyst activation. In the first part of this two-part article, Michael Huffmaster , Consultant, explores CoMo catalyst activation at low pressure, focusing on sulphiding reaction pathways and the impact of temperature and the composition of the sulphiding media on reaction kinetics, specifically the concentration of H2 , H2 S, and H2 O.

An ideal reactor for green methanol

As the production of renewable methanol continues to scale up, it will provide a long term, carbon-neutral energy solution to different transport sectors. However, the optimum design parameters for green methanol plants are substantially different to natural gas-based methanol plants and pose new challenges to the methanol loop designer. Connor Longland of Johnson Matthey (JM) discusses the challenges and presents the benefits of the tube cooled converter for e-methanol production.