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Tag: Urea

Market Insight

Market Insight courtesy of Argus Media. Urea: The market remained weak at the start of the year with urea prices falling as producers fought for liquidity. Egyptian product fell by $40/t to $495/t f.o.b. in a matter of days, while f.o.b. prices in the Middle East and southeast Asia similarly fell to around $440/t. Urea prices in many end-user markets also slumped: US prices fell over the course of the first week of January by $30/t, Brazil by $15/t and many European markets by around $20/t.

Plant Manager+

This round table discusses the process upset condition of a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle. It is commonly known that the urea formation reaction from ammonia and carbon dioxide via ammonium carbamate is an equilibrium reaction and that the urea conversion in any urea plant is limited. That is why downstream of the urea synthesis section the urea is separated from the ammonium carbamate in a recirculation section. Ammonium carbamate is dissociated into ammonia and carbon dioxide gases by means of low pressure and the addition of heat. The ammonia and carbon dioxide gases are dissolved in water and recycled back to the urea synthesis section. The urea content should be minimal as urea in the ammonium carbamate recycle leads to lower efficiencies. What are the causes and remedies for a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle? n