Plant Manager+
In 1967 Stamicarbon revolutionised the urea process by the invention of the high-pressure CO 2 stripper by Petrus J. C. Kaasenbrood (pictured, left). The high-pressure CO 2 stripper led to following benefits:
In 1967 Stamicarbon revolutionised the urea process by the invention of the high-pressure CO 2 stripper by Petrus J. C. Kaasenbrood (pictured, left). The high-pressure CO 2 stripper led to following benefits:
Pipe reactors in ammonium nitrate plants suffer from short lifetimes due to serious corrosion and erosion issues. A new solution from NobelClad could provide a unique opportunity to address the problem faced by licensors and end-users in the pipe reactors of ammonium nitrate plants. The NobelClad solution provides higher safety and reliability standards and less downtime and maintenance leading to an attractive payback time.
Storing urea under hot and humid ambient conditions can be a chall enge. Several quality parameters of the urea product itself like moisture, temperature and particle size distribution are critical. Fluctuations of these parameters over time are also important and can lead to caking issues and complaints by clients. Off-spec product means big losses in revenue and results in a troublesome stream that has to be handled separately. Learning from each other’s experiences is vital to minimise and avoid these problems. n
CRU’s Nitrogen + Syngas conference convened at the Hyatt Regency Barcelona Tower in Barcelona, from March 5th-8th.
CRU Events will host the 2023 Nitrogen + Syngas conference and exhibition at the Hyatt Regency Barcelona Tower in Barcelona, 6-8 March.
This round table discusses the process upset condition of a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle. It is commonly known that the urea formation reaction from ammonia and carbon dioxide via ammonium carbamate is an equilibrium reaction and that the urea conversion in any urea plant is limited. That is why downstream of the urea synthesis section the urea is separated from the ammonium carbamate in a recirculation section. Ammonium carbamate is dissociated into ammonia and carbon dioxide gases by means of low pressure and the addition of heat. The ammonia and carbon dioxide gases are dissolved in water and recycled back to the urea synthesis section. The urea content should be minimal as urea in the ammonium carbamate recycle leads to lower efficiencies. What are the causes and remedies for a high urea concentration in the ammonium carbamate recycle? n
Leaks in the high-pressure synthesis section of a urea plant may lead to catastrophic consequences. started to collect incidents in an incident database and in 2017 and introduced FIORDA, the Fertilizer Industry Operational Risk Database, a global open source risk register for ammonia and urea plants.
Leaks in the high-pressure synthesis section of a urea plant can have catastrophic consequences. started to collect incidents in an incident database and in 2017 and introduced FIORDA, the Fertilizer Industry Operational Risk Database, a global open source risk register for ammonia and urea plants.
Leaks in the high-pressure synthesis section of a urea plant may lead to catastrophic consequences. In 2017, building on an incident database set up by, and introduced FIORDA, the Fertilizer Industry Operational Risk Database, a global open source risk register for ammonia and urea plants.
This case study refers to the carbamate condensers and separators in the urea recirculation and hydrolyser desorber section of a urea plant, operating under normal operation at 0.3 MPa and 75°C. After 48,000 hours of operation, during the turnaround of the urea plant, the diaphragm type instruments were sent to the original equipment manufacturer for inspection and refurbishment. In addition to damage of the diaphragm, crevice corrosion was found in the gasket area (see picture) posing a health and safety risk .