Sulphur 394 May-Jun 2021
31 May 2021
Sulphur recovery projects 2021
Sulphur recovery projects 2021
Sulphur’s annual survey of recent, current and future sulphur recovery unit construction projects maps the developing shape of brimstone production from fuel and gas processing plants worldwide.
AGRU = Acid gas removal unit
BTX = BTX destruction
Fuel = Fuel gas supplemental burning
H2= Hydrogenation
O2= Oxygen enrichment
NH3 = Ammonia destruction
SRU = Sulphur recovery unit
SWS = Sour water strip
TGT = Tail gas treatment unit
n.a = Information not available
AGRU = Acid gas removal unit
BTX = BTX destruction
Fuel = Fuel gas supplemental burning
H2= Hydrogenation
O2= Oxygen enrichment
NH3= Ammonia destruction
SRU = Sulphur recovery unit
SWS = Sour water strip
TGT = Tail gas treatment unit
n.a = Information not available